Practicing Media—Mediating Practice | A Media-in-Practices Approach to Investigate the Nexus Between Digital Media and Activists’ Daily Political Engagement


  • Alice Mattoni University of Bologna


digital media, media practices, practice theory, social movements, Greece, Italy, Spain


In the past decade, literature flourished that investigated the nexus between social movements and media from a media practice perspective. The article draws on this body of work to show how we might apply practice theory following at least three different approaches on social movements and media: media-as-practices, media-related-practices, and media-in-practices approaches. Then, it proposes an operational definition of practice to investigate social movements and media from a media-in-practices approach, also introducing the method of media practices maps interviews. Finally, the article applies the media-in-practices approach at the analytical level focusing on the practice of coordinating the workflow in the daily grassroots political engagement of Greek, Italian, and Spanish activists.

Author Biography

Alice Mattoni, University of Bologna

Associate ProfessorPolitcal & Social SciencesUniversity of Bologna






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