Populist Time: Mediating Immediacy and Delay in Liberal Democracy


  • Henrik Bødker Aarhus University
  • Chris Anderson University of Leeds


mediated time, populism, social media, realtimeness, unmediation, impulsivity


The conduct of politics is, in part, constructed by conceptions of time, and this happens through an interplay between mechanisms of governance and different media systems and technologies. This article argues that we are witnessing an increasing divergence between the mechanisms of delay built into liberal democracy and a “politics of impatience” that is part of a larger populist communications style. Furthermore, we contend that social media—particularly Twitter—help pave the way for this growing populist impatience, creating what we label “populist time.” In theoretical terms, the article draws on journalism studies, on research on social media and populism, on mediated time, and, finally, on the temporalities of democratic governance. Our contribution is to bring these literatures together in order to posit three distinct building blocks for the formation of populist time, which are part of the communication on Twitter: feelings of “realtimeness,” “unmediation” and “impulsivity.” This article thus aims to suggest conceptual building blocks for more nuanced investigations of how temporal processes and perceptions play into the performance of populism on social media.

Author Biographies

Henrik Bødker, Aarhus University

Henrik Bødker, Ph.D, is Associate Professor at the Media and Journalism Studies Department at Aarhus University (Denmark). He has published on various intersections between popular culture and media, e.g. music and magazines. His most recent work focuses on how digital technologies are transforming the circulation and temporality of journalism and, related to that, also how communities of journalists are contested and maintained. He has, among other journals, published in Media History, Critical Studies in Media Communication,Journalism, Journalism Studiesand Digital Journalism; he sits on the editorial board of the last three of these journals.

Chris Anderson, University of Leeds

Chris Anderson is Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Leeds and member of the board of advisors at the Tow Center, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He studies study journalism, politics, and how the production of public knowledge is being transformed in the digital age. He was most recently the author of Apostles of Certainty: Data Journalism and the Politics of Doubt (Oxford University Press), which tells the intertwined history of data journalism and the social sciences in the United States.





