Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in Turkey| Framing the Alimony Debates in Turkey: Struggle Between Feminist and Antifeminist Discourses to Represent “Women’s Rights”


  • Esra Özcan Professor of Practice at Tulane University, Department of Communication


Turkish media, alimony, feminism, poverty, low-income men, communication campaigns


In this article, I analyze two media campaigns that have defended opposite positions about the amendments on alimony legislation in Turkey. The alimony debates reveal ongoing struggles not just to redefine the meanings of feminism and women’s rights in Turkey but also to redefine the role of the welfare state in alleviating poverty. One of the campaigns is run by leading feminists, and the other is run by profamily groups who claim that they are the victims of the existing alimony legislation. I focus on the intersections of gender and class and suggest that Turkey’s feminists might need new and subversive alliances in the current political moment characterized by the right-wing hegemony of the Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi, AKP). Reaching out to lower-class men and campaigning for gender equality by focusing not only on “women” as an identity category but also on poverty as a major source of oppression might enhance feminists’ chance to expand their base and push back on the conservative gender policies propagated by the AKP government.

Author Biography

Esra Özcan, Professor of Practice at Tulane University, Department of Communication

Esra Özcan is a Communication Studies scholar at Tulane University, Department of Communication in New Orleans. Her research focuses on the representations of gender in news media, feminist and anti-feminist women’s movements, and postcolonial feminism. She is interested in right-wing women’s movements and women’s role in carrying authoritarian men to power. She teaches courses on Political Communication; Global Media Studies; Gender, Race and Class in the Media. 






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