Imaginaries About Brazil in the Media Consumption of LGBTIQ+ Immigrants and Refugees in the City of São Paulo


  • Hadriel Theodoro Superior School of Advertising and Marketing of Sáo Paulo (ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil)
  • Denise Cogo Superior School of Advertising and Marketing of Sáo Paulo (ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil)


LGBTIQ immigration, media, consumption, imaginary, representation


This study analyzes the (de)construction of imaginaries about Brazil by LGBTIQ+ immigrants and refugees, and begins by examining their media consumption. The methodology uses a group of theoretical reflections on the relationship among the imaginary, media, and migration, as well as semistructured interviews with 10 LGBTIQ+ immigrants and refugees living in the city of São Paulo. The results of the analysis show the plurality of uses and appropriations encompassed in their media consumption and the contrasts between the imaginaries about Brazil and the reality they experience in the country.

Author Biographies

Hadriel Theodoro, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing of Sáo Paulo (ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil)

Master in Communication and Consumption Practices by the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing (ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil) and PhD student in the same institution (FAPESP scholarship). Graduated in Social Communication from the School of Communications and Arts (ECA - University of São Paulo) and in Linguistics by the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH - University of São Paulo).

Denise Cogo, Superior School of Advertising and Marketing of Sáo Paulo (ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil)

Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication and Consumption Practices of the Superior Schoolof Advertisingand Marketing (ESPM, São Paulo, Brazil). Researcher1D of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Coordinator of the Platform of Immigrants Media developed in partnership with the Museumof Immigrationof the State of São Paulo ( 


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