Framing Protest in Online News and Readers’ Comments: The Case of Serbian Protest “Against Dictatorship”


  • Jelena Kleut University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy
  • Ana Milojevic University of Bergen University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science


protest paradigm, user comments, online media, framing, polarized media system


This research examines the “protest paradigm” in the digital news environment of a politically polarized media system by considering relations between news and online readers’ comments about the Serbian protest Against Dictatorship, which was held in 2017. Applying content analysis to news and comments from two news websites, our study indicates the need to account for opposing framing of the protest (violence/peacefulness, de/legitimizing and un/democratic) in a polarized environment. The results show that the distribution of opposing frames is guided by the media relations with the government. Online readers’ comments generally enhance this polarized pattern of frame distribution, with the exception of the performance frame, which remains prolific in the media, but absent from readers’ comments.

Author Biographies

Jelena Kleut, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy

Assistant professor at the Department of Мedia Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Coordinator of the Media Centre.

Ana Milojevic, University of Bergen University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science

Postodctoral Research Fellow, Marie Sklodovska Curie Individual Fellowship (Horizon 2020), University of Bergen, Departement of Information Science and Media StudiesAssistant Professor, Universtity of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science, Journalism and Communication Department, Office phone: +381113092823





