How Satirists Alternate Between Discursive Modes: An Introduction of the Humoristic Metaphors in Satirical News (HMSN) Typology


  • Ellen Droog Department of Communication Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Christian Burgers Department of Communication Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam
  • Gerard J. Steen Department of Dutch Studies, University of Amsterdam


satirical news, metaphors, humor, hybrid genre, discursive mode, humoristic metaphors in satirical news (HMSN) typology


An important challenge for communication scientists is to characterize and understand hybrid genres. Satirical news is such a hybrid genre and comprises a blend of the genres of comedy, news, and political opinion. This theoretical article aims to contribute to this discussion by further specifying the concept of discursive mode. Discursive modes designate certain communicative orientations toward a particular genre element. We make our argument concrete by introducing a typology of metaphorical humor in satirical news. Our humoristic metaphors in satirical news (HMSN) typology, demonstrates that satirists can realize and switch between 4 different discursive modes through metaphors. These discursive modes comprise different combinations of core rhetorical functions in satirical news (humor, education, and evaluation). We describe each type of metaphor in our typology and present a research agenda identifying key issues that require future research and empirical verification.

Author Biographies

Ellen Droog, Department of Communication Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Ellen Droog is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Communication Science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Her research primarily focuses on the use and processing of figurative language and images in satiric news.

Christian Burgers, Department of Communication Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam

Christian Burgers is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Science at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and a Professor by special appointment in Strategic Communication (Logeion Chair) at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR), University of Amsterdam. He studies strategic communication through metaphor, hyperbole and irony across discourse domains. He is a member of the Management Team of the Metaphor Lab Amsterdam ( and co-editor of the book series Metaphor in Language, Cognition and Communication (MiLCC), published by John Benjamins.

Gerard J. Steen, Department of Dutch Studies, University of Amsterdam

Gerard J. Steen is a professor of Language and Communication in the Department of Dutch Studies, at the University of Amsterdam. His main interest is metaphor in discourse, and more generally language use in discourse approached via genre, about which he has numerous publications. He is founding director of the Metaphor Lab Amsterdam and serves as associate editor of Metaphor and Symbol and main editor of the book series Metaphor in Language, Cognition and Communication (MiLCC), published by John Benjamins.





