There’s More to the Story: Both Individual and Collective Policy Narratives Can Increase Support for Community-Level Action


  • Chris Skurka Penn State University
  • Jeff Niederdeppe Cornell University
  • Liana Winett Oregon Health and Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health, USA


narrative persuasion, moral framing, policy support, social determinants of health


Narratives can convey the need or community-level action to address social problems. Yet narratives often tell stories about specific individuals rather than the broader collectives these problems affect. Some theorists argue that individualizing collective problems inhibits audiences from recognizing upstream causes and solutions. This study tested how narrative individualization (whether a story focuses on an individual case or a larger collective) might produce trade-offs when mobilizing support for community-level policies to address childhood obesity. We also investigated whether narratives using language congruent with political partisans’ morals (equity or loyalty) might minimize polarized responses to such narratives. A large, Web-based experiment with a national sample of U.S. adults demonstrated that both individual and collective narratives increased policy support relative to a no-message control group. Individual narratives promoted policy support via narrative engagement, tender emotions, and external thoughts about the issue. Against expectations, morally congruent narratives did not outperform morally incongruent ones.

Author Biographies

Chris Skurka, Penn State University

Chris Skurka, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Bellisario College of Communications at the Pennsylvania State University. He studies the design and effects of persuasive messages on individual behaviors and support for public policies in the context of science, health, and environmental issues.

Jeff Niederdeppe, Cornell University

Jeff Niederdeppe, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at Cornell University.His research examines the mechanisms and effects of mass media campaigns, strategic messages, and news coverage in shaping health behavior, health disparities, and social policy.

Liana Winett, Oregon Health and Science University-Portland State University School of Public Health, USA

Liana B. Winett, DrPH, MPH, MCHES is an associate professor in the Oregon Health and Science University School of Public Health, where she researches and teaches the importance of message framing for broad public engagement in public health concerns. Dr. Winett’s recent research has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation


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