<b>Comparative Media Studies in the Digital Age| Comparative Media Studies in the Digital Age: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead — Introduction<b/>


  • Jun Liu Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen Karen Blixens Plads 8, DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark
  • Xinchuan Liu Research fellow Tsinghua University China
  • Klaus Bruhn Jensen University of Copenhagen, Denmark


comparative research, digital media, Internet, context, mobility, context-aware comparative communication studies


 This Special Section on “Comparative Media Studies in the Digital Age: Taking Stock, Looking Ahead” joins other initiatives to develop more refined comparative communication studies by expounding possible theoretical contemplation, elaborating methodological diversification, and exhibiting empirical interrogations. In this introductory article, we present the main discussions undertaken in the features and research articles, as well as some of their limitations. We further offer some thoughts on “context” in the digital age and promote contextual and context-aware approaches as one guide for comparative communication studies. 

Author Biographies

Jun Liu, Department of Media, Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen Karen Blixens Plads 8, DK-2300 Copenhagen S Denmark

 Jun Liu is an associate professor in the Department of Media, Cognition and Communication and the Centre for Communication and Computing at the University of Copenhagen. His research on digital activism and political communication in China has been published in Television & New Media, Modern Asian Studies and Social Movement Studies, among others. 

Xinchuan Liu, Research fellow Tsinghua University China

 Research fellowEast China University of Political Science and LawChina 

Klaus Bruhn Jensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

 ProfessorUniversity of Copenhagen, Denmark 






Special Sections