Communications Policy and Cultural Political Economy: Charting the Collapse of the Neoliberal Consensus in the United States


  • Brian Dolber California State University San Marcos


political economy, cultural political economy, communications policy, network neutrality, Stop Online Piracy Act, Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, neoliberalism, historical blocs


This article charts the fracturing of the neoliberal consensus in the United States through the lens of communications policy activism. I employ a framework of cultural political economy to understand the productive role of communications policy discourse in structuring political alliances in this moment of crisis. Relying on public statements, media accounts, and secondary literature, I discuss debates over three policies—network neutrality, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act—between 2005 and 2016. I argue that the ideological limits placed on these policy discourses exacerbated contradictions within what Nancy Fraser calls the progressive neoliberal bloc. This dialectical process contributed to emerging populist formations on both the right and the left. Thus, I demonstrate the important role of communications policymaking within our broader political alignments. I conclude that media activists may work to forge a multiracial, antineoliberal bloc to remake not just U.S. politics, but also the larger global political economic order, by “laboring” communications policy.

Author Biography

Brian Dolber, California State University San Marcos

Brian Dolber is Associate Professor of Communication at California State University San Marcos. He earned his Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (2011), with a focus in political economy, media history, and media policy. He also holds a B.A. in journalism from The George Washington University (2003). As a scholar-activist, Dr. Dolber currently works with Rideshare Drivers United, an emerging union of 20,000 app-based drivers in California. He is the co-editor of The Gig Economy: Workers and Media in the Age of Convergence (Routledge, 2021), and the author of Media and Culture in the U.S. Jewish Labor Movement: Sweating for Democracy in the Interwar Era (Palgrave, 2017). His work has appeared in journals including Communication, Culture and Critique, tripleC, and Cultural Studies<--> Critical Methodologies. 





