Exploring China’s Digitalization of Public Diplomacy on Weibo and Twitter: A Case Study of the U.S.–China Trade War


  • Zhao Alexandre Huang Université Gustave Eiffel, Laboratory DICEN-IDF
  • Rui Wang Boston University


digitalization, public diplomacy, domestic dimension, social media, China, trade war


This study of the U.S.–China trade war investigated how Beijing (a) uses institutional discourse and rhetoric to conceptualize digital public diplomacy based on the autocratic system of the Communist Party of China and (b) legitimizes its highly centralized and politicized international communication practices. We also investigated how China’s domestic public diplomacy practices affect its international communication. Comparing the online activities of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs domestically (i.e., Weibo) and internationally (i.e., Twitter) revealed (a) that China first centralizes and politicizes communication content production and distribution to ensure that all messages follow the desired political direction and promote the desired value orientation; and (b) that, although inspired by the network communication perspective, Beijing’s digital public diplomacy emphasizes advocacy and narrative, ignores listening and exchange, and does not seek mutual cross-cultural adaptation. Digital public diplomacy is an instrument that serves China’s internal affairs, controlling and guiding domestic public opinion online to defend Communist Party of China leadership.

Author Biographies

Zhao Alexandre Huang, Université Gustave Eiffel, Laboratory DICEN-IDF

Zhao Alexandre Huang is a Ph.D. and Visiting Assistant Professor (ATER) of strategic communication and public relations at the Université Gustave Eiffel. He works at DICEN-IDF laboratory. His research interests include public diplomacy, strategic communication, public relations, and social media.Phone number: +33 (0)6 61 42 59 28

Rui Wang, Boston University

Rui Wang is a Ph.D. and Visiting Assistant Professor of Emerging Media Studies at Boston University College of Communication. His research interests include social media analytics, strategic communication, and international communication. 





