Cross-Cutting Scanning, Integrating, and Interacting: Dimensions of Cross-Cutting Exposure on Social Media and Political Participation


  • Jihyang Choi Ewha Womans University


cross-cutting exposure, cross-cutting interacting, social media, political participation, deliberative democracy


This study attempts to explicate the concept of cross-cutting exposure in the current media environment and to clarify its effects on political participation. Employing a two-wave survey of data collected during the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign, the study empirically revealed that cross-cutting exposure in the social media environment comprises three subdimensions: cross-cutting scanning, cross-cutting integrating, and cross-cutting interacting. These three different experiences yield a distinctive influence on the level of political participation. Cross-cutting interacting is the only positive predictor of political participation, whereas cross-cutting scanning and integrating are not significantly associated with political participation. Implications of these results for deliberative democracy and participatory democracy are discussed.

Author Biography

Jihyang Choi, Ewha Womans University

Jihyang Choi, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDivision of Communication and Media Ewha Womans Jihyang Choi is an assistant professor at Ewha Womans University. Her primary research focus is on the effects of new media technologies on journalism and political communication. She holds a Ph.D. in Mass Communications from Indiana University (Bloomington). Her work has appeared in various academic journals, including Journal of Communication, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, and Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.





