WhatsApp Political Expression and Political Participation: The Role of Ethnic Minorities’ Group Solidarity and Political Talk Ethnic Heterogeneity


  • Alcides Velasquez University of Kansas
  • Andrea M. Quenette Indiana University East
  • Hernando Rojas University of Wisconsin, Madison


WhatsApp, social media, ethnic minorities, group solidarity, political talk ethnic homogeneity, Latinx, self-effects, acculturation, political participation


Online political activity takes many forms. Most research has heavily focused on the effects of these online behaviors on political participation in platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. This article focuses instead on WhatsApp, and compares how self-effects and acculturation theories have different predictions with regard to the mechanisms that explain the relationship between Latinxs’ political expression on this mobile instant messaging application and political participation. Results showed that Latinxs’ political expression through WhatsApp is related to their offline political participation. However, the direct and mediated relationship through group solidarity is dependent on political talk ethnic heterogeneity. The relationship among self-effects on acculturation processes is discussed as one potential explanation for understanding the complex ways in which perceptions of ethnic group solidarity, political talk ethnic heterogeneity, WhatsApp political expression, and offline political participation interact.

Author Biographies

Alcides Velasquez, University of Kansas

Ph.D. in Media and Information Studies from Michigan State University. Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Kansas, United States.

Andrea M. Quenette, Indiana University East

PhD from Ohio State University. Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at Indiana University East.

Hernando Rojas, University of Wisconsin, Madison

PhD from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Helen Firstbrook professor of Journalism at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.





