Intermedia Agenda Setting or International News Flow? Cross-Lagged Comparison of Elite International Newspapers


  • Shimaa Hassan Ali Mohammed Assistant Prof., Media department, Faculty of Arts, Minia University, Egypt
  • Maxwell McCombs Prof. Emeritus, Moody College of Communication, School of Journalism and Media, The University of Texas at Austin


intermedia agenda setting, international news flow, Egypt


According to the hypotheses of the international news flow, the media of the central countries does not talk about a peripheral country’s news, and if any, it only talks about the negative news. Adding the scope of intermedia agenda setting, this study examines how Western media like The New York Times and The Guardian deal with Egyptian news and how their agendas could transfer or affect each other or the Egyptian media. The results show that intermedia agenda setting occurs in the international sphere; however, there is no dominant agenda, and that the hypotheses of international news flow remain valid.

Author Biographies

Shimaa Hassan Ali Mohammed, Assistant Prof., Media department, Faculty of Arts, Minia University, Egypt

I graduated from Minia University in 2008 with a Bachelor's Degree in media. I had my master’s degree in 2013. Then I earned a joint supervision scholarship to get my Ph.D. degree at the University of Texas at Austin.I have published one book, four research articles. I have attended four conferences and I’m working on two research articles with colleagues from Swiss, Peru, and the USA.I have 8 awards and prizes since I was a student until now. I’m a member of the Audience Protection Association since 2013 and member of the Arab Science Journalism Association since 2010+201222232980/ +201011486097 

Maxwell McCombs, Prof. Emeritus, Moody College of Communication, School of Journalism and Media, The University of Texas at Austin

 He is internationally recognized for his research on the agenda-setting role of mass communication. In 2011 McCombs was awarded the Helen Dinerman Award of the World Association for Public Opinion Research. In 2014 the University of Navarra presented McCombs its Silver Medal commemorating 20 years of teaching and research on agenda-setting at the university’s campus in Pamplona, Spain.He has received the Paul J. Deutschmann Award for Excellence in Research from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and is the co-recipient with Donald Shaw of the Murray Edelman Award for distinguished scholarship in political communication from the American Political Science Association.512-471-8416





