Generic Frames in Corruption Scandals in Chile (2015–2019): Differences and Similarities Between Print and Online Media


  • Francisco Tagle Universidad de los Andes, Chile.


corruption scandals, Chile, generic frames, printed press, news Web portals, Semetko and Valkenburg


Taking into account that some of the media systems in Chile present high degrees of concentration of ownership and low ideological pluralism, this research shows how the most important print media and news Web portals framed the six main corruption scandals in Chile between 2015 and 2019. Among other conclusions, a higher presence of the morality frame in online media was observed after analyzing news pieces for the five generic frames (attribution of responsibilities, conflict, human interest, economic consequences, and morality) and conducting quantitative content analysis using base study indicators. In applying the method of generic frames to the Chilean media regarding the coverage of corruption scandals in recent years, the validity of this research in other political and media contexts can be corroborated, in addition to its importance in establishing which are the frames promoted by the media, and their differences, in an issue as relevant to democracy and society as corruption.

Author Biography

Francisco Tagle, Universidad de los Andes, Chile.

Professor at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad de los Andes, Chile. Doctor in Latin American Studies from the University of Salamanca, Spain. 





