Framing the Syrian Operations: Populism in Foreign Policy and the Polarized News Media of Turkey


  • Emre İşeri Yasar University
  • Metin Ersoy Eastern Mediterranean University


populism, political communication, media systems, rally-round-the-flag effect, foreign policy, crisis, content analysis, framing, Turkey


How do news media outlets react to an international crisis during a resurgence of populism at home? Led by President Erdoğan’s AK Party, Turkey’s military operations toward Syria provide fertile ground to examine how an increasingly polarized media industry has used populist framing to report on the conflict. Adopting a framing analysis method, this article analyses 2,166 examples of news coverage of the conflict by 3 mainstream national online news outlets with printed versions affiliated with certain political parties or sociopolitical camps—namely, the pro-government Sabah, the moderate/the pro-government Hürriyet, and the opposition/Kemalist Sözcü—as well as one alternative media outlet, Bianet. The findings reveal that the creation of a sense of crisis over Syria has precipitated a “rally-round-the-flag” effect. This prompted the ruling AK Party’s populist discourses to dominate the public sphere through the mainstream media, including opposition outlets, with detrimental implications for the state of democracy. It will likely serve as a baseline to make cross-country comparisons on the interplay among the media landscape, international crises, and authoritarian governments at a time of resurgent populism.

Author Biographies

Emre İşeri, Yasar University

Emre İşeri is currently full Professor of International Relations at Yaşar University in İzmir. His research interests include energy policy, political communication,Eurasian politics and Turkish foreign policy. He has published articles and chapters in numerous books and journals, including Geopolitics, Journal of Balkan and Near East Studies, Energy Policy, Turkish Studies, Security Journal, South European Society and Politics, European Journal of Communication, Internanational Journal of Communication,  Environment and Planning C, and  Alternatives: Global, Local and Political. 

Metin Ersoy, Eastern Mediterranean University

Metin Ersoy earned his BA, MA and Ph.D. degrees from Eastern Mediterranean University in Famagusta, North Cyprus. He is currently an Associate Professor of New Media and Journalism in the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies of Eastern Mediterranean University. Since 2012, he has served as Secretary of the European Peace Research Association. His research interests include Peace Journalism,Cypriot Media, News Framing and Coverage, Public Opinion, Agenda Setting and Conflict Resolution.





