Popularity on Facebook During Election Campaigns: An Analysis of Issues and Emotions in Parties’ Online Communication


  • Sina Blassnig Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Linards Udris Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) & Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society (fög), University of Zurich
  • Anna Staender Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Switzerland
  • Daniel Vogler Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) & Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society (fög), University of Zurich


social media, political communication, popularity cues, political parties, elections


Successful communication strategies on social media are of great concern for parties’ election campaigns. Research increasingly focuses on identifying which factors promote popularity cues (e.g., Likes or Shares) as indicators of success. However, existing studies have neglected the role of issues in multiparty environments. Furthermore, it is still unclear whether positive or negative emotions are the stronger drivers of user engagement. We investigate parties’ emphasis on political issues and emotions as success factors in their election campaign communication on Facebook. We analyze the Facebook pages of the 6 largest parties in Germany and Austria before the respective national elections in 2017. We find that parties’ top issues, identity issues, and positive and negative emotions increase popularity cues. Yet these factors trigger different types of reactions: Whereas Shares are triggered by the use of top issues and positive emotions, Comments are evoked by identity issues and predominantly by negative emotions.

Author Biographies

Sina Blassnig, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Switzerland

Senior Research and Teaching Associate, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Phone +41 (0)44 634 46 91

Linards Udris, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) & Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society (fög), University of Zurich

Senior Research and Teaching Associate, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Phone +41 44 635 21 17

Anna Staender, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Switzerland

Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich, Phone +41 44 634 46 87

Daniel Vogler, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ) & Research Center for the Public Sphere and Society (fög), University of Zurich

Academic Associate, Department of Communication and Media Research (IKMZ), University of Zurich / Head of Research, fög – Research Institute for the Public Sphere and Society, University of Zurich, Phone +41 44 635 21 40





