Laugh, but Don’t Seek: A Reassessment of the Gateway Hypothesis


  • Michaele D. Myers University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
  • Jay D. Hmielowski University of Florida


gateway, political satire, over-time analysis, news use


In this article we revisit the gateway hypothesis, which argues that political satire programs open the door to people using more hard news content. Using over-time survey data, we examine whether use of satire leads people to use more cable news. Although our cross-sectional analyses replicate previous results attempting to assess the gateway hypothesis, our over-time data suggest that satire does not lead to increased use of news programming on cable outlets. However, we did find support for the gateway hypothesis when looking at a mediation model where political attitudes serve as the intervening variable between satire use and cable news use.

Author Biographies

Michaele D. Myers, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Michaele D. Myers (M.A., University of Delaware) is a doctoral candidate in the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include political and science communication, with a specific interest in the effects of satire programs on attitudes and beliefs.111 Murphy Hall, 206 Church St SE, Minneapolis, MN. 55455., @mdmyersMA

Jay D. Hmielowski, University of Florida

Jay D. Hmielowski (Ph.D., The Ohio State University) is an assistant professor in the Department of Public Relations in the College of Journalism and Communications at the University of Florida. His research interests include political and environmental communication.PO BOX 118400, Gainesville, FL. 32611.





