WhatsApp and Digital Astroturfing: A Social Network Analysis of Brazilian Political Discussion Groups of Bolsonaro’s Supporters


  • Viktor Chagas Fluminense Federal University


digital astroturfing, social network analysis, misinformation networks, Jair Bolsonaro, WhatsApp


Digital astroturfing and computational propaganda have drawn a lot of attention in recent years because of the malicious effects on the political environment, especially in the face of the emerging far right. But most studies on astroturfing are limited to seeking theoretical concepts. The present article suggests that the concept of astroturfing can be conceptually defined and empirically investigated through a social network analysis (SNA) approach. The article is specially focused on understanding the use of mobile instant messaging services (MIMS) like WhatsApp as a stage for astroturfing practices in 2018 Brazilian elections. Its main hypothesis is that SNA methods can help in understanding how a Bolsonarist influence operation and misinformation network was structured. Results show different thematic groups and several functional clusters and lead to the identification of practices that match with those of agents from the professional field of politics.

Author Biography

Viktor Chagas, Fluminense Federal University

Viktor Chagas is an associate professor at the Media and Cultural Studies Department and researcher at the Communication Graduate Program at the Fluminense Federal University. He is a productivity researcher fellow (PQ-2) from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and an associated member of the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD). He holds a PhD in History, Politics and Cultural Assets from the Contemporary Brazilian History Research and Documentation Center at the Getulio Vargas Foundation (Cpdoc, FGV), and develops investigations under Political Communication specialties such as Internet and Political Cultures, Digital Activism, Political Economy of Information, and Humor and Politics. He is also the leader of the Research Laboratory for Communication, Political Cultures and Economies of Collaboration (coLAB) and coordinator of the #MUSEUdeMEMES (#MEMEmuseum) project.





