Ten Myths About the Korean Wave in the Global Cultural Sphere


  • Dal Yong Jin Simon Fraser University


Korean Wave, cultural industries, transnationalization, digital Hallyu


This article discusses 10 of the most common myths about Hallyu. These myths do not encompass all misunderstandings and problematic standpoints relevant to Hallyu. Instead, I selected these major issues as they were concomitantly repeated whenever I read media reports, academic publications, and social media threads on Hallyu. Some were encountered at academic conferences I have attended over the past several years. I do not attempt to provide any grand statements; I want to offer a steppingstone for Hallyu scholars, cultural creators, and global fans to discuss these major myths more carefully, rather than simply taking them for granted.

Author Biography

Dal Yong Jin, Simon Fraser University

Associate Professor.He finished his Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Communications Research at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2004. His major research and teaching interests are media industries, new media and convergence, globalization and media, transnational cultural studies, telecommunications policy, and the political economy of media and culture. He is the author of a forthcoming book entitled Hands On/Hands Off: The Korean State and the Market Liberalization of the Communication Industry, and his recent work has appeared in several scholarly journals, including Media, Culture and Society, Games and Culture, Telecommunications Policy, Television and New Media, Information Communication and Society and Javnost-the Public.





