Unboxing Computational Social Media Research From a Datahermeneutical Perspective: How Do Scholars Address the Tension Between Automation and Interpretation?


  • Jakob Jünger University of Münster
  • Stephanie Geise University of Münster
  • Maria Hänelt University of Münster


computational communication science, computational social science, computational methods, automated data collection, process-generated data, data hermeneutics, interpretive paradigm


Communication researchers have fruitfully applied computational methods in their analysis of communication processes. However, the automation of scientific data collection and analysis confronts scholars with fundamental epistemological and practical challenges. Particularly, automation implies that the processing of data is highly standardized for all cases. In the context of social science research, this contrasts with the expectation that meaning is always attributed in individual interaction processes. Based on a literature review of peer-reviewed journal articles, our study explores the resulting tension between automated and interpretive research. We first analyze the extent to which automated methods play a role in social media research. We then identify the challenges and limitations researchers addressed in their studies. On this basis, we propose steps for a data hermeneutical perspective that combines computational methods with interpretive approaches.

Author Biographies

Jakob Jünger, University of Münster

Jakob Jünger is a junior professor for communication research at the University of Münster. His work is focused on computational social science, online platforms and public sphere research.

Stephanie Geise, University of Münster

Stephanie Geise is an adjunct professor at the University of Münster, working in the fields of media and reception studies, political communication, and research methodology. She is specialized in visual communication and eye-tracking studies.

Maria Hänelt, University of Münster

Maria Hänelt finished her dissertation at the University of Münster on the topic of online media reception. Her work focuses on health communication.





