<b>COVID-19, Digital Media, and Health| COVID-19, Digital Media, and Health: Lessons Learned and the Way Ahead for the Study of Human Communication—Introduction<b>


  • Kathrin Karsay KU Leuven
  • Anne-Linda Camerini USI Università della Svizzera Italiana
  • Jörg Matthes University of Vienna


health communication, digital media, well-being, media effects


During the COVID-19 pandemic, digital media played a pivotal role as a source of information, a tool for emotional expression, and, consequently, a determinant of psychological and social well-being. This article introduces a Special Section on COVID-19, digital media, and health. Based on the selected papers, we argue that the pandemic can serve as a magnifying glass to detect several critical reflection points for studying human communication. In particular, we conclude that the pandemic has aggravated existing differences in the effects of digital media, both in the positive (i.e., beneficial effects) and the negative (i.e., harmful effects) directions. We call on the field for a renewed focus on theory building, not just treating the pandemic as a special case but rather as a starting point for long-term, field-wide theory development. We also call for longitudinal, multidata, multiplatform, and multimethod designs.

Author Biographies

Kathrin Karsay, KU Leuven

Assistant Professor at the School for Mass Communication Research

Anne-Linda Camerini, USI Università della Svizzera Italiana

Lecturer and Researcher at the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences

Jörg Matthes, University of Vienna

Professor of Communication Science at the Department of Communication
COVID-19, Digital Media, and Health| COVID-19, Digital Media, and Health: Lessons Learned and the Way Ahead for the Study of Human Communication—Introduction






Special Sections