Motivated Responsibility Attribution in a Pandemic: Roles of Political Orientation, Perceived Severity, and Construal Level


  • Xinyan Zhao University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Stephanie J. Tsang Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Sifan Xu University of Tennessee, Knoxville


attribution of responsibility, issue involvement, severity, political orientation, construal level, pandemic


Previous research has revealed the significant role of responsibility attribution in crisis communication. Integrating motivated reasoning theory, attribution theory, and construal level theory, this study examined the factors associated with Americans’ attribution of responsibility to the Chinese government during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results, derived from a nationally representative sample, showed that political conservatism was positively associated with the locality and accountability of responsibility attribution. The perceived severity and construal level of attribution related to the locality of attribution, such that those who perceived higher severity and a lower construal level (i.e., more specific attribution) perceived higher internal locality. The findings suggest the need to understand individuals’ motivated reasoning in responsibility attribution during crises.

Author Biographies

Xinyan Zhao, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Xinyan Zhao is an assistant professor at the Hussman School of Journalism and Media, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her phone number is 919-579-4695.

Stephanie J. Tsang, Hong Kong Baptist University

Stephanie J. Tsang is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. Her phone number is 852-3411-8228.

Sifan Xu, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Sifan Xu is an assistant professor in the School of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. His phone number is 865-974-5135.





