The Moderating Role of Political Ideology: Need for Cognition, Media Locus of Control, Misinformation Efficacy, and Misperceptions About COVID-19


  • Porismita Borah Washington State University


misinformation, COVID-19, need for cognition, media locus of control, misinformation efficacy, political ideology, survey


Along with the horrific impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been another attack alongside termed as the “infodemic.” The main purposes of the current study are to examine (1) the association between literacy variables and misperceptions about COVID-19 and (2) the moderating role of political ideology on these relationships. The findings from a survey conducted in the United States show that self-identified liberals, need for cognition, and misinformation efficacy were negatively related to misperceptions about COVID-19. Findings from Hayes’s PROCESS model 1 show meaningful moderating effects of need for cognition, media locus of control, and misinformation efficacy with political ideology. Implications are discussed.

Author Biography

Porismita Borah, Washington State University

Porismita Borah (Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison) is an Associate Professor at the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication and a graduate faculty in the Prevention Science program at the Washington State University. Borah primarily studies message effects in digital environments, both in the context of politics and health. 





