The Politics of Contextualization in Communication Research: Examining the Discursive Strategies of Non-U.S. Research in Communication Journals


  • Michael Chan School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Jingjing Yi School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Panfeng Hu School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Dmitry Kuznetsov School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong


contextualization, writing, metadiscourse, ideological hegemony, periphery


The ideological hegemony of an academic discipline can be reflected by the discursive strategies adopted by authors in their academic writing. We examined 509 non-U.S. studies across eight communication journals listed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) from 2000 to 2020 and coded for the prevalence of references to local (in-country), United States, and other country (out-country) contexts. The findings revealed a substantive amount of contextualization to U.S. concerns and literature among the journal articles and revealed how academic writing sustains the omnipresence of the United States in communication scholarship. If striving for greater international representation and diversity is a goal for the field, then actors involved in the production and dissemination of knowledge, including authors, reviewers, and editors, should engage in more reflexivity on the politics of contextualization and how academic writing not only can reinforce the status quo but also give more visibility to countries at the peripheries.

Author Biographies

Michael Chan, School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Michael Chan ({hD, CUHK) is an Associate Professor at the School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research examines the cross-cultural and intergroup aspects of communication at the individual and national level, with particular focus on the fields of new media, journalism, mass communication and political communication.

Jingjing Yi, School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Jingjing Yi (MA, Syracuse University) is a PhD student at the School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research areas include social media, media psychology, and game studies.

Panfeng Hu, School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Panfeng Hu (MA, Beijing Foreign Studies University) is a PhD student at the School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research areas include political communication, digital media, and feminism studies.

Dmitry Kuznetsov, School of Journalism & Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Dmitry Kuznetsov (MA, CUHK) is a PhD student at the School of Journalism and Communication, Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include internet governance, social movements, and digital platforms. 





