Conceptualizing “Filter-ing”: Affordances, Context Collapse, and the Social Self Online


  • Saesha Kini MICA Ahmedabad
  • Manisha Pathak-Shelat Professor, Communication & Digital Platforms and Strategies, MICA Ahmedabad, India
  • Varsha Jain Professor, Integrated Marketing Communications, MICA Ahmedabad, India,


context collapse, self-presentation, platforms, affordances, social media, Instagram filters, privacy online


Our article advances filter-ing as a vital affordance to understand how and which aspects of social lives dynamically manifest (or are excluded) from online settings. We demonstrate filter-ing’s conceptual potency in context-collapse studies, examining contextualization and context-collapse negotiations online. Drawing from Goffman’s writings on self, identity, and sociality, we demonstrate filter-ing in the self-presentational practices of young, urban Indians on popular online platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and WhatsApp. Our research illustrates the ongoing, relational, communicative, performative, situational, contingent, and boundary-drawing activities of filter-ing. We highlight the collaborative role enactments of relational friends through team filter-ing. Our discussion and coda discuss the influence of platform design and interface, normative and nonnormative filter-ing, the (in)stability of contextualization, the scope for context-specific inquiries and creative methods, and the strength of filter-ing in identifying excluded and privatized aspects of social life.

Author Biographies

Saesha Kini, MICA Ahmedabad

Saesha Kini is a doctoral candidate at MICA, India. Her research interests are situated amidst new media communication, new materialism, critical fat studies, and young people’s media practices.

Manisha Pathak-Shelat, Professor, Communication & Digital Platforms and Strategies, MICA Ahmedabad, India

Dr. Manisha Pathak-Shelat is a professor of Communication & Digital Platforms and Strategies and Chair of the Center for Development Management & Communication (CDMC) at MICA, India. She is also an editor of the Sage journal, Journal of Creative Communications. Her interests are new media, transcultural citizenship, youth media cultures, communication for social change, the intersection of civic and consumer cultures, and media literacy.

Varsha Jain, Professor, Integrated Marketing Communications, MICA Ahmedabad, India,

Dr. Varsha Jain is a Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications and the Co-chairperson, FPM (Doctoral Level Program) at MICA, India. Prof. Jain is the recipient of 20+ national and international awards in research and scholarship. Her research specialties lie in digital marketing, luxury branding, and digital natives.





