Making the COVID-19 Pandemic Visible: The Power of Grassroots Mapping Initiatives


  • Adriana de Souza e Silva North Carolina State University


mapping, smartphones, networks, grassroots initiatives, COVID-19, pandemic


Since March 2020, digital maps have been used around the world to spatially display COVID-19 cases and deaths. Some of these maps aggregate official government data, and others are built with user-generated content. Particularly in low-income communities, where residents do not have proper access to tests, user-generated maps help people understand the scope of the pandemic. Two examples of grassroots initiatives that use maps to make the pandemic visible are Conexão Saúde (Health Connection) and Painel Unificador COVID-19 nas Favelas (Unified COVID-19 Slums Dashboard). Both were developed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, one of the countries with the highest number of COVID-19 deaths per capita in the world. This study describes the implementation of these initiatives, considering how networked grassroots approaches can be effective in locally mapping and managing a pandemic. The findings reveal that the interconnection among mobile platforms, community leaders, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are critical sociotechnical assemblages that help manage a public health crisis that would otherwise remain invisible to the world.

Author Biography

Adriana de Souza e Silva, North Carolina State University

Adriana de Souza e Silva is a Professor at the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University (NCSU) and Director of the Mobile Gaming Research Lab. Dr. de Souza e Silva’s research focuses on the creative ways people appropriate mobile technologies, including location-based games and mobile media art. In particular, she investigates how mobile and locative interfaces shape urban mobility and people’s interactions with public spaces, primarily in the developing world. She is the author or co-author of 7 books, and more than almost 50 articles in peer-reviewed publications. Dr. de Souza e Silva is a NC State University Faculty Scholar and has twice won the College of Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Researcher Award. Over the course of her career, de Souza e Silva has held visiting appointments or positions at the Pontifical Catholic University (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and the IT University of Copenhagen (Denmark). She teaches classes on mobile communication, internet studies, and histories of technology.





