Live and Kicking: Digital Live Broadcasting Technologies, Participating Strangers and News Mobility


  • Jonathan Ilan Bar-Ilan University


live broadcasting, digital news media, news mobility, media participation, news technology


This study investigates the interconnections between digital live broadcasting technologies and participating strangers in the news context, from a sociotechnical perspective. This is done by focusing on the LiveU Solo device, designed for live broadcasting by produsers on social media. Based on a thematic analysis of users’ comments on three leading video gadgets’ reviews of the Solo device on YouTube and on data gathered through semistructured in-depth interviews with a LiveU manager and several “prodnewsers” (news media produsers), findings point to financial and technical considerations as the main factors that propel the assessment of innovative digital live broadcast technologies by users. In so doing, they illustrate a particular form of actor participation in the news.

Author Biography

Jonathan Ilan, Bar-Ilan University

Jonathan Ilan, Ph.D, is a lecturer at the School of Communication, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. His research interests are focused on various forms of cultural production and visual culture, and particularly in the fields of international news media; news production; media institutions; and media ethnography. He has published his work in various international peer-reviewed journals.





