Trust in Religious Others: A Three-Way Interaction Model of Religious Bias, Informational Use of Digital Media, and Education


  • Muhammad Masood Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
  • Meng Xiang Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
  • Marko M. Skoric Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
  • Saifuddin Ahmed Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University


religious bias, religious trust, digital media, education, survey, Pakistan


This study investigates the relationship between individuals’ religious bias and trust in religious others and how this relationship is conditioned by education and the use of digital media in the context of Pakistan. Although recent studies conducted in Western democracies suggest that social media have potentially contributed to the growth of religious and racial cleavages, the impact of these platforms remains understudied in non-Western, predominantly Muslim societies such as Pakistan. Our analyses of the World Value Survey (WVS) data from Pakistan show that, not surprisingly, religious bias negatively predicts trust in religious others. However, the informational use of digital media platforms (i.e., the Internet and social media) moderates this relationship, indicating that this negative association becomes insignificant among heavy digital media users. This relationship is further contingent on education, suggesting that less educated people benefit more from the informational use of digital media. The findings are discussed in relation to the extant literature on the role of digital media and education in facilitating religious trust.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Masood, Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong

Muhammad Masood is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong. He focuses on the impacts of digital media and sociopolitical changes. His research interests include political communication, public opinion, and civic engagement.

Meng Xiang, Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong

Xiang Meng is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong. His research interest lies in the field of political communication, focusing on the social and political influences of new communication technologies.

Marko M. Skoric, Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong

Marko Skoric is an associate professor at the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong. He holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Michigan, and a BSc in Psychology from the University College London, the United Kingdom. Marko’s teaching and research interests are focused on new media and social change, with particular emphasis on civic and political implications of new communication technologies.

Saifuddin Ahmed, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University

Saifuddin Ahmed is an assistant professor at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University. Dr. Ahmed’s research interests lie in new and emerging media, political communication, election studies, comparative studies, and public opinion.





