From Fork Hands to Microchips: An Analysis of Trending #CovidVaccine Content on TikTok


  • Monique Lewis Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University
  • Susan Grantham Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University


TikTok, COVID-19, vaccine, trending hashtags, public health communication


TikTok has grown in popularity and has become a platform where users engage with information about COVID-19 in diverse and playful ways. As of July 2021, TikTok videos posted with the hashtag #CovidVaccine collectively received more than 1.4B views, making it the most prominent COVID-related hashtag on TikTok. This study investigates the discourse about COVID-19 vaccination on TikTok by analyzing 100 top TikTok videos that used the hashtag #CovidVaccine. The findings show an overwhelming number of the trending videos were created by citizens who did not identify themselves as professionals or experts, with a low contribution from mega-influencers compared with other influencer types. Content was largely positive in tone toward COVID-19 vaccines, with neutral videos less prominent, offering an agnostic tone about the vaccines. This study highlights some of the challenges and opportunities facing health communicators who seek to better understand TikTok and its audiences and find creative ways to communicate vaccine advocacy on such a pathos-centric, ambiguous platform.

Author Biographies

Monique Lewis, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University

Dr Monique Lewis, Lecturer, Griffith University, (+61)447473757I am a health communication scholar, sociologist, and lecturer in media and communication at Griffith University. My research spans across media, health & medicine, and risk sociologies, with a particular interest in the framing of health news and risk discourse. Her research has investigated mainstream news media representations of herbal medicine, complementary medicine, public health campaigns, COVID-19, and medicinal cannabis.

Susan Grantham, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University

Dr Susan Grantham, Lecturer, Griffith University and Member of Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research.I am an experienced media, marketing and public relations professional and academic at Griffith University with a demonstrated history of working in the government. My research interests include reputation management, crisis management, media law and social media.





