The Role of Media in Political Polarization| The Way We Use Social Media Matters: A Panel Study on Passive Versus Active Political Social Media Use and Affective Polarization


  • Jörg Matthes University of Vienna
  • Andreas Nanz University of Vienna
  • Ruta Kaskeleviciute University of Vienna
  • Franz Reiter University of Vienna
  • Isabelle Freiling University of Utah
  • Ariadne Neureiter University of Vienna
  • Marlis Stubenvoll University of Vienna
  • Sebastian E. Sherrah University of Vienna
  • Sarah Juricek University of Vienna
  • Atika Aisyarahmi Munzir University of Vienna
  • Iara Noronha University of Vienna


affective polarization, social media use, panel survey


When looking at the origins of affective polarization, political communication scholars have frequently pointed to social media. In this article, we theorize that the relationship between social media use and affective polarization depends on the ways in which social media are used. Based on two-wave panel data collected during a national election campaign, our findings suggest that only active political uses of social media (i.e., sharing, posting, or commenting) foster affective polarization; in contrast, passive uses (i.e., informing oneself) do not. Looking at reciprocal relationships, we found that affective polarization did not significantly predict active or passive political social media use over time. Overall, our findings support the argument that social media are neither unconditionally detrimental nor beneficial for society and democracy.

Author Biographies

Jörg Matthes, University of Vienna

Jörg Matthes (PhD, University of Zurich) is a professor of communication science at the Department of Communication, University of Vienna, Austria. He is also the director of the Department of Communication at the University of ViennaT: +43-1-4277-493 07eFax: +43-1-4277-8493 07eMail:

Andreas Nanz, University of Vienna

PhD candidate at the Department of Communication

Ruta Kaskeleviciute, University of Vienna

PhD candidate at the Department of Communication

Franz Reiter, University of Vienna

PhD candidate at the Department of Communication

Isabelle Freiling, University of Utah

Isabelle Freiling (PhD, University of Münster) is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Utah. Her research examines the use and effect of media, in both science and political communication. In particular, her work focuses on social media and misinformation, on public perceptions of issues at the intersection of science and politics, as well as on public engagement with science.

Ariadne Neureiter, University of Vienna

PhD candidate at the Department of Communication

Marlis Stubenvoll, University of Vienna

PhD candidate at the Department of Communication

Sebastian E. Sherrah, University of Vienna

Research assistant at the Department of Communication

Sarah Juricek, University of Vienna

Research assistant at the Department of Communication

Atika Aisyarahmi Munzir, University of Vienna

Affiliated researcher at the Department of Communication

Iara Noronha, University of Vienna

Research assistant at the Department of Communication






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