Community Storytelling Networks and Empowerment of Migrant Domestic Workers: A Communication Infrastructure Approach


  • Jeffry Oktavianus City University of Hong Kong
  • Wan-Ying Lin City University of Hong Kong


storytelling network, empowerment, communication infrastructure, social support, migrant domestic workers


Guided by communication infrastructure theory, this study examines the role of storytelling agents and integrated connectedness to community storytelling networks (ICSN) in empowering disenfranchised groups, particularly migrant domestic workers (MDWs). This study is based on survey data from 402 Indonesian MDWs in Hong Kong. The analysis identified a positive association between ICSN and civic participation as a form of behavioral empowerment. Moreover, ICSN also significantly influenced intrapersonal empowerment, which operated via social support. These findings shed light on the potential of ICSN in empowering marginalized groups, and thus, more effort should be devoted to strengthening the workers’ connections to their community storytelling networks.

Author Biographies

Jeffry Oktavianus, City University of Hong Kong

Jeffry Oktavianus (Ph.D., City University of Hong Kong) is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Centre for Communication Research at the Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong. His research interests include new media and social change, particularly in the context of crisis, politics, and health. His works have appeared in peer-reviewed journals, such as Information, Communication, and Society and Health Communication.

Wan-Ying Lin, City University of Hong Kong

Wan-Ying Lin (Ph.D., University of Southern California) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at the City University of Hong Kong. Her research areas include new media and civic engagement of youth, political communication, and health communication. Her publications have appeared in Journal of Communication, International Journal of Communication, Telecommunications Policy, and New Media and Society, among others.  





