Consumer-Generated Visual Advertisements in Social Media Brand Communities


  • Hui-Fei Lin National Taiwan Normal University
  • Pei-Chih Lin National Tsing Hua University
  • Benjamin Yeo Seattle University


user-generated visual content, consumer-generated visual advertisements, brand community, community engagement, community identification


Despite the advent of social media, few studies on online brand communities examine how user-generated content influence community members’ perceptions and behaviors toward a brand. Thus, we study how consumer-generated visual advertising influences brand community advertising and marketing. Our model includes motivation and the perceived value of consumer-generated visual advertisements, consumers’ brand attitudes in a brand community, attitudes toward other members of the community, brand community identification, engagement, word-of-mouth marketing, and purchase intention toward brands. We demonstrate the importance of brand communities and their implications on social media marketing. 

Author Biographies

Hui-Fei Lin, National Taiwan Normal University

Hui-Fei Lin (Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University) is an Professor in the Graduate Institute of Mass Communication, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, R. O. C.. Her research focuses on advertising and strategic communications. She has presented numerous research papers on topics such as message framing, new media advertising and communication technology, and has published research papers in several journals including International Journal of Advertising, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Global Information Management, Expert Systems with Applications, Journal of Internet Technology, Journal of E-Business, Journal of Design, Symmetry, Sustainability, Information Society Research, Marketing Review, among others.

Pei-Chih Lin, National Tsing Hua University

Pei-Chih Lin (Ph.D., Shih Hsin University) is a mentor in the Global Program and International Bachelor Degree Program at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R. O. C. Her Research interests are in interpersonal and intercultural communication. She has published in journals including the International Journal of Communication, Journal of Global Information Management, Journal of e-Business, among others.

Benjamin Yeo, Seattle University

Benjamin Yeo (Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University) is an Assistant Professor at the Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University. His primary research interest is on the impact of technology and investments on industry and regional performance. He has published research articles in the International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Communication, the Journal of Global Information Management, and Information Technology for Development, among others.





