Populists or Influencers? The Use of Facebook Videos by Populist Leaders


  • Alessandro Gandini University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences
  • Andrea Ceron University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.
  • Patrizio Lodetti DISIA - Department of Statistics, Informatics and Applications, University of Florence


Facebook videos, political communication, populism, social media influencers


Populist leaders use social media as a primary tool for cultivating direct relationships with “the people.” Their online activity bears similarities with that of social media influencers; however, the extent of this similarity has not been discussed in-depth. In this article, we explore this affinity, performing ethnographic content analysis on a set of Facebook videos published by 3 Southern European populist leaders—Matteo Salvini (Lega, Italy), Luigi Di Maio (Five Star Movement, M5S, Italy), and Pablo Iglesias (Podemos, Spain)—during the general election campaigns of 2016 and 2018 and after assumption of public office. We argue that the communication styles of these populist leaders mimic those of social media influencers according to 4 main dimensions: “hybrid” visibility labor, authenticity, algorithm gaming, and transformation of digital publics into communities characterized by a sense of we-ness.

Author Biographies

Alessandro Gandini, University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences

Alessandro Gandini is Associate Professor of Cultural and Media Sociology at the University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.

Andrea Ceron, University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.

Andrea Ceron is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.

Patrizio Lodetti, DISIA - Department of Statistics, Informatics and Applications, University of Florence

Patrizio Lodetti is Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Demography at Disia, Department of Statistics, Informatics and Applications, University of Florence.





