Mapping the Russian Media Field Through Audience Networks and Agenda Choice


  • Alla Loseva HSE University St. Petersburg
  • Anna Moroz HSE University St. Petersburg
  • Egor Shmidt HSE University St. Petersburg
  • Daniel Alexandrov HSE University St. Petersburg


media consumption, computational text analysis, network analysis, authoritarianism, audience participation


In light of the “gardening” of the public sphere in autocracies, the question of how power is distributed in the media field calls for empirical investigation. We use computational methods of network analysis, topic modeling, and semantic analysis to test if the Russian media landscape is organized around the three “publics” as suggested by earlier theory. Using the data from the media outlets’ public pages on the social network VKontakte and the texts of the publications, we reveal which groups of outlets exist in the media field and compare the similarity in terms of coverage with how the media are seen by the audience. We validate the previously suggested structure of the Russian media landscape. The differentiation among the “publics” is consistently pronounced on the levels of coverage specifics and the audience subscription profiles.

Author Biographies

Alla Loseva, HSE University St. Petersburg

Analyst, Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science, +79062263340

Anna Moroz, HSE University St. Petersburg

Student, Department of Informatics, +79117765362

Egor Shmidt, HSE University St. Petersburg

Student, Department of Sociology, +79992011679

Daniel Alexandrov, HSE University St. Petersburg

Professor, Department of Sociology; Laboratory Head, Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science, +79219582454





