From Cultivation to Self-Cultivation: Alternative Media and Reinforcing Spirals in a Fragmented Media Environment


  • Angelica Cöster Angelica Cöster, Master Student (MSc in Political Communication), Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg.
  • Adam Shehata University of Gothenburg


cultivation, reinforcing spirals model, media effects, crime perceptions, mean-world syndrome


Media environments have changed rapidly since cultivation theory was proposed in the 1960s. This study analyzes whether growing opportunities for media choice reinforce and polarize public perceptions of crime development. This is done by synthesizing cultivation theory with the reinforcing spirals model. The study relies on a combination of a quantitative media content analysis (N = 904) and a three-wave panel survey (N = 1,508) conducted in Sweden. The findings suggest that there are significant differences between violent crimes news content in alternative media and traditional media and that there are reinforcing effects between alternative news orientation and crime perceptions but not between traditional news media use and crime perceptions. We propose self-cultivation as a new concept that can be used to understand cultivation processes in today’s high-choice media environment.

Author Biographies

Angelica Cöster, Angelica Cöster, Master Student (MSc in Political Communication), Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg.

Angelica Cöster, Master Student (MSc in Political Communication), Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg.

Adam Shehata, University of Gothenburg

Associate Professor at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg.


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