Building Legitimacy in the Absence of the State: Reflections on the Facebook Oversight Board


  • Monroe E. Price Oxford University
  • Joshua M. Price Professor of Criminology, Toronto Metropolitan University


content moderation, self-regulation, epistemic community, Oversight Board, strategic architecture, strategic narratives, Meta, Facebook


Meta created a Facebook Oversight Board to burnish or attempt to burnish the legitimacy of its social media platforms. The Oversight Board can compensate for regulatory failure, particularly deficits occasioned by the absence of explicit direct government supervision. These deficits are usually marked by significant public criticism of platforms for their perceived failure to moderate content adequately. In a global context in which the interplay between formal regulation and platform-initiated efforts to moderate content becomes ever more intense and heated, innovations, like the work of the Board, can be enlightening. We look at aspects of the Board's creation to identify steps thought to manufacture legitimacy. In this case and others, the platform in conversation with stakeholders yields additional opportunities for review of decisions to take down or retain material and to allow additional perspectives on policy issues.  In the process of review, we identify ways that platforms generate attributes of legitimacy, enhance strategic narratives, and develop an epistemic community—all with the goal of increasing legitimacy.

Author Biographies

Monroe E. Price, Oxford University

Fellow, Programme in Comparitve Media Law and Policy, Centre for Socio-legal Studies, University of Oxford; retired Full Adjunct Professor of Communication & former Director of the Center for Global Communication Studies at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.

Joshua M. Price, Professor of Criminology, Toronto Metropolitan University

Joshua Price engages in ethnographic and participatory research on structural and institutional violence, race and gender violence, incarceration and life after incarceration. His next book is entitled Translation and Epistemicide: Racialization of Language in the Americas.





