“No Does Not Always Mean No”: The Discursive Representation of Female Sexual Rejection as “Last Minute Resistance” in Pick-Up Artist Communities


  • Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo Università di Napoli 'L'Orientale'


discourse analysis, manosphere, last minute resistance, pick-up artists, sexual consent


This study examines the representation of female sexual rejection within pick-up artist (PUA) communities, which are groups of heterosexual men who aspire to become experts in the “art of seducing women.” Driven by critical discourse analysis, the study explores how PUAs share their strategies about how to overcome women’s refusal to engage in sexual activities during a date, which they refer to as “last minute resistance.” The first part of the study highlights how PUAs tend to disregard verbal or physical rejection, interpreting it as a form of token resistance that needs to be defeated. The second section analyzes the syntactic-lexical semantic interface between agency and the gender of the subjects involved in the corpus, showing how PUAs portray themselves as dynamic agents who “lead the game,” while women are the “passive objects” of their pursuits. By exposing PUAs’ distorted discourse, the study contributes to raising awareness about toxic representations of consent and promoting a more respectful approach to sexual interactions.

Author Biography

Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo, Università di Napoli 'L'Orientale'

Giuseppina Scotto di Carlo is currently researcher and lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at the University of Naples 'L’Orientale' (Italy)-Department of Asian, African, and Mediterranean Studies. She holds a PhD in English for Special Purposes (ESP) from the University of Napoli 'Federico II' (Italy). Her research interests cover institutional discourse, gender studies, and science popularisation. Some of her most recent works include: A Discourse Analysis of the ‘Trumpusconi’ Phenomenon: Is Trump our contemporary Berlusconi? (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2021), “The Velvet Glove: Benevolent sexism in President Trump's tweets” (European Journal of Women's Studies 2020), and “An Analysis of Self-Other Representations in the Incelosphere: Between online misogyny and self-contempt” (Discourse & Society 2022).





