Analysis of Peruvian Newspaper Portrayal of Chinese Foreign Direct Investments From 2001 to 2020: An Exploration of Factors Influencing International Economic News Reporting


  • Longxing Wang Fudan University
  • Yicheng Zhu Beijing Normal University
  • Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Fudan Development Institute
  • Ruitong Huang Fudan University
  • Zejia Bi Fudan University
  • Yue Shu Fudan University
  • Haoyi Chen Fudan University


Peruvian media, Chinese foreign direct investment, framing theory, content analysis


In recent years, the economic exchanges between China and Latin American countries have been further deepened, and news about Chinese foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the region responds to economic reality and the different stages of changing international relations and media characteristics. The current study includes a content analysis by human coders of 308 news articles on Chinese FDIs in three types of Peruvian news outlets from 2001 to 2020, namely the Left-leaning newspaper (La República), the Right-leaning newspaper (El Comercio), and specialized economic news outlets (Gestión Online and Semana Económica). In this context, it explores how international economic news volume is related to real-world economic indexes and how news interpretations of Chinese FDIs, as manifested by news frames, are influenced by contextual and political factors.

Author Biographies

Longxing Wang, Fudan University

Longxing Wang was born in Wuhan, Hubei, China, in 1989. He received his Ph.D. from Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. Now, he works in the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, at Fudan University. His research interests are International Communication, Latin American Studies, and Language Planning and Policy in Latin America.

Yicheng Zhu, Beijing Normal University

Yicheng Zhu (Ph.D. in Communications, University of South Carolina, 2018) was born in Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China, in 1990, and currently serves as an assistant professor at School of Journalism and Communication, Beijing Normal University. His research interests include international public relations, social media networks and political communication.

Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Fudan Development Institute

Juan Diego Zamudio Padilla was born in Lima, Peru, in 1989. He received the graduated bachelor’s in economics and Researcher of Asia Center Studies at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru. He is currently a master student at Hiroshima University Japan. He has been visiting scholar of Fudan Development Institute, His research interests include investment, sustainability, economic development and experimental economics.

Ruitong Huang, Fudan University

Ruitong Huang was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. China, in 1999. She is a master student in International Journalism and Communication at Fudan University. She is interested in Intercultural Communication and Gender Studies.

Zejia Bi, Fudan University

Zejia Bi was born in Jinan, Shandong, China. She is a master´s student in Spanish Interpreting at Beijing Foreign Studies University. She received a bachelor’s degree in Spanish from Fudan University. She is interested in CAT tools, Translation, Interpretation Theory and Practices.

Yue Shu, Fudan University

Yue Shu was born in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. She is a master’s student in International journalism and communication at Fudan University. She received a bachelor’s degree in Spanish literature also from Fudan University. She holds special interest for drama acting and visual art.

Haoyi Chen, Fudan University

Haoyi Chen was born in Neijiang, Sichuan, China, in 2000. She is a master’s student in Journalism and Communication at Fudan University. Her research interests are Social Media Communication and Media Discourse Analysis.





