Postmodern Without Modernization: Ages, Phases, and Stages of Political Communication and Digital Campaigns in Brazil (2010–2020)


  • Arthur Ituassu Pontifical Catholic Univesity of Rio de Janeiro


digital campaigns, radicalization, segmentation, equalization, Brazilian politics


This article aims to analyze the consequences of digital media on elections and democracy in Brazil from a historical perspective. It will do this by reviewing the ages, phases, and stages of political communication, proposing a contextual description of media and politics in Brazil, and historicizing digital campaigns in the country from 2010 to 2020. It will discuss the Brazilian context concerning the canonical historical approaches and debate the radicalization of Brazilian politics and the equalization of electoral campaigns. Besides that, it will suggest a holistic conception to understand the stages of political communication and digital campaigns in Brazil: the notion of “postmodern without modernization,” following Néstor Canclini’s idea of modernism without modernization for Latin America.

Author Biography

Arthur Ituassu, Pontifical Catholic Univesity of Rio de Janeiro

Associate Professor of Political Communication at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). Dr. in International Relations (IRI). Director of the Research Group in Communication, Internet and Politics (COMP). Associate Researcher at the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT-DD). Former Vice-President (2015-2017) and President (2017-2019) of the Brazilian Association of Researchers in Communication and Politics (COMPOLÍTICA).





