Productive vs. Pathological: The Contested Space of Video Games in Post-Reform China (1980s–2012)


  • Lin Zhang USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism


This article analyzes the discourses of video games in post-reform China, explicating gaming technology as a contested space coproduced by various social players struggling for power and cultural legitimacy in the context of post-socialist transition. As an imported foreign technology, video games are often identified by various social forces as either a solution to or a cause of the contradictions and crises generated by reform, which produces a recurring dialectical representation of the medium as both productive and pathological. The contrasting fates of arcade and console games in the 1980s and the interplay between promotion and regulation of PC games in the 1990s led to the contemporary battle over Internet addiction and new definitions of pathology and productivity. Those seemingly contradictory cultural discourses constitute and reflect power struggles among different stakeholders over the meaning, form, and use of new technologies as China transitions from a socialist to a post-socialist society.

Author Biography

Lin Zhang, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism

Doctoral student at the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Southern California. Her research has focused on the culture and history of digital technologies, global and transnational flow of culture and goods, critical consumption studies, and emerging Internet-based labor practices.Phone No. 6099373258





