Rethinking Artificial Intelligence: Algorithmic Bias and Ethical Issues| Rage Against the Artificial Intelligence? Understanding Contextuality of Algorithm Aversion and Appreciation


  • Tessa Oomen Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • João Gonçalves Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Anouk Mols Erasmus University Rotterdam


artificial intelligence, algorithm aversion, algorithm appreciation, public perceptions, Contextual Integrity, mixed methods


People tend to be hesitant toward algorithmic tools, and this aversion potentially affects how innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) are effectively implemented. Explanatory mechanisms for aversion are based on individual or structural issues but often lack reflection on real-world contexts. Our study addresses this gap through a mixed-method approach, analyzing seven cases of AI deployment and their public reception on social media and in news articles. Using the Contextual Integrity framework, we argue that most often it is not the AI technology that is perceived as problematic, but that processes related to transparency, consent, and lack of influence by individuals raise aversion. Future research into aversion should acknowledge that technologies cannot be extricated from their contexts if they aim to understand public perceptions of AI innovation.

Author Biographies

Tessa Oomen, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Tessa Oomen (MSc) is a PhD candidate at the Department of Media and Communication, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on how communication about technological innovations might affect AI development processes. Of particular interest are communication practices amongst AI developers and the larger societal discussions on ethical, trustworthy, and accountable AI. 

João Gonçalves, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Assistant Professor

Anouk Mols, Erasmus University Rotterdam

Postdoctoral Researcher






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