The Journalistic Wishlist: Exploring Reporters’ Desired Skills Using Delphi Method


  • Oded Jackman Ben Gurion University of the Negev
  • Zvi Reich Ben Gurion University of the Negev


journalistic skills, Delphi panel, expertise, news reporting, traditional skills, new skills


Research shows that journalists are expected to develop new skills in the innovative peripheries of journalism, such as data and multimedia journalism. However, the extent to which new skills are expected for its core activity, news reporting, remains disputed. This study aims to determine whether news reporters are expected to master new skills following a series of transformations in news environments. To allow ego-free and anonymous negotiations of reporters’ desired skills, we organized a Delphi panel of news executives and experts. Findings show that reporters are expected to prioritize traditional skills: be knowledgeable about their beat, think critically about raw materials, and be swift but accurate. However, they are expected to utilize databases and prioritize story detection over storytelling. These findings raise opposing views regarding the survival strategy of news reporting in changing news environments: must reporting adopt brand new skill sets or rediscover traditional ones?

Author Biographies

Oded Jackman, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

PhD CandidateDepartment of CommunicationBen Gurion University of the Negev+972-54-7616386 |

Zvi Reich, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Prof. Zvi Reich, Ph.D.Chair, Department of Communication StudiesTel: +972-8-6479038 | Fax: +972-8-6472855 | Mail: POB 653, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel





