<b>Civic Participation in the Datafied Society| Civic Participation in the Datafied Society—Introduction</b>


  • Arne Hintz Cardiff University
  • Lina Dencik Cardiff University
  • Joanna Redden University of West Ontario
  • Emiliano Trere Cardiff University


datafication, data justice, critical data studies, participation, citizenship


As data collection and analysis are increasingly deployed for a variety of both commercial and public services, state–citizen relations are becoming infused by algorithmic and automated decision making. Yet as citizens, we have few possibilities to understand and intervene into the roll-out of data systems, and to participate in policy and decision making about uses of data and artificial intelligence (AI). This introductory article unpacks the nexus of datafication and participation, reviews some of the editors’ own research on this subject, and provides an overview of the contents of the Special Section “Civic Participation in the Datafied Society.”

Author Biographies

Arne Hintz, Cardiff University

Arne Hintz is a Reader at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Director of the MA Digital Media and Society and Co-Director of the Data Justice Lab.

Lina Dencik, Cardiff University

Professor in Digital Communication and Society at Cardiff's School of Journalism, Media and Culture and Co-Founder/Director of the Data Justice Lab.

Joanna Redden, University of West Ontario

Associate Professor

Emiliano Trere, Cardiff University

Reader in Data Agency and Media Ecologies in the School of Journalism, Media and Culture
Civic Participation in the Datafied Society






Special Sections