What Is the Value of Cultural Analytics? Discerning Value in Digital Environments


  • Jonathon Hutchinson University of Sydney


digital media, generative AI, online content creators, digital intermediation, cultural analytics, value systems, cultural production


How do we measure the contribution of online content creators toward our social fabric, particularly when platforms use bespoke measurement systems? Embedded in the value theory and social media visibility literature, this article provides an overview of the variety of metrics currently available within our everyday platformization experiences. In doing so, this article explores how metrics can move toward a system that engages cultural analytics to better understand our digital media environment. These insights have implications for online content creators, agencies who manage those creators, cultural institutions, and the digital intermediation processes that determine cultural production. With a better-informed measurement system for online content creation within digital media environments, policy makers are also better equipped to begin to answer emerging regulatory questions around generative AI practices to reflect important societal issues of our time, not just those that are “popular” or “visible.”

Author Biography

Jonathon Hutchinson, University of Sydney

Dr. Jonathon Hutchinson is the Chair of Discipline of Media and Communications at the University of Sydney. He is a Chief Investigator on the Australian Research Council Discovery Project, Online News and Media Pluralism, a Chief Investigator on the ARC LIEF project The International Digital Policy Observatory and is also a Chief Investigator on the eSafety Commission Research project, Emerging online safety issues: co-creating social media education with young people. For 2023 and 2024, he holds the prestigious position of President of the Australian and New Zealand Communications Association and is the current Editor in Chief of the Policy & Internet Journal. His most recent book, Digital Intermediation: Unseen infrastructure for cultural production is available from 2023 through Routledge.





