Sociotechnical Change: Tracing Flows, Languages, and Stakes Across Diverse Cases| From AAA TripTik to Google: Maps as Sites of Sociotechnical Change


  • So Yun Ahn University of Southern California


American Automobile Association (AAA), TripTik, Google Maps, sociotechnical change, data and algorithms, platforms


From the American Automobile Association’s (AAA) TripTik to Google Maps, mapping technology changed tremendously from applying a highlighter on a dozen papers to interactive mobile digital maps. Along with the technological change from analog to digital, the main organization that makes and distributes navigational maps has also changed from a nonprofit automobile organization to a for-profit tech company. This article scrutinizes how these changes in the sociotechnical infrastructure of mapmaking are reflected in the maps we use. First, I explain how AAA’s TripTiks were made and distributed in the 20th century and compare it with the operation of Google Maps. Next, I follow the route from Los Angeles, California, to Battle Creek, Michigan, on a 1949 TripTik and on Google Maps, attending to their differences. This journey reveals that despite the convenience and advanced technology, Google Maps deliberately ignores the core value of AAA’s maps: making a trip an enjoyable process of learning.

Author Biography

So Yun Ahn, University of Southern California

PhD Student





