Local Production for Global Streamers: How Netflix Shapes European Production Cultures


  • Daphne Rena Idiz University of Amsterdam


Netflix, television production, European production cultures, streaming, global television, data, nonlinearity


This article examines how Netflix’s increased production of local streaming content affects European television production practices. This inquiry is developed in critical dialogue with current research, primarily focused on the United States, which suggests that Netflix’s production practices largely correspond with legacy practices in the television industry. The question is whether this observation also applies to Europe. Addressing this, 14 semi-structured interviews were conducted with television and film industry workers based in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, and Spain. Emerging themes demonstrate that Netflix is reshaping production practices in these countries by importing a U.S. production model and influencing storytelling practices.

Author Biography

Daphne Rena Idiz, University of Amsterdam

Daphne Rena Idiz is a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam’s Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis. Her research focuses on the transformations occurring to European cultural production practices resulting from the expansion of global streaming services. Her work has appeared in peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Digital Media & Policy and Critical Studies in Television. She also contributed to the European Commission’s Study on media plurality and diversity online.Email: d.r.idiz@uva.nl Phone: +1 416-689-2257





