Playful Civic Learning: Enabling Lateral Trust and Reflection in Game-based Public Participation


  • Eric Gordon Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University Engagement Game Lab, Emerson College
  • Jessica Baldwin-Philippi Engagement Game Lab at Emerson College


civic media, civic engagement, trust, local government, serious games, urban planning, design-based research, action research


Attempts to improve participation in civic life often focus on increasing the number of citizens engaged rather than improving the quality of engagement. As digital interventions flood the civic space, investigating the mediating interfaces that provide opportunities for deeper engagement becomes necessary. This article engages in design-based research that assesses the affordances and effects of one such platform: an interactive online game for local engagement called Community PlanIt (CPI). Drawing on an analysis of game mechanics, in-game actions, and interviews and focus groups with players, we ask if and how CPI can move citizen participation beyond isolated transactions. We draw two conclusions: CPI creates and strengthens trust among individuals and local community groups that is linked to confidence in the process of engaging, and it encourages interactive practices of engagement that we define as civic learning.

Author Biographies

Eric Gordon, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University Engagement Game Lab, Emerson College

Eric Gordon is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University and the director of the Engagement Game Lab at Emerson College where he is a professor of visual and media arts.

Jessica Baldwin-Philippi, Engagement Game Lab at Emerson College

Jesse Baldwin-Philippi is a researcher at the Engagement Game Lab and an assistant professor of civic media at Emerson College.





