Communication & Global Power Shifts| Developmental Bodies and the Occupation of Time: Theorizing Gender Solidarity in Times of Global Power Shift


  • Katherine Reilly Simon Fraser University


global power shift, women


Global power shift (GPS) offers an opportunity to rethink assumptions underlying feminist theories of solidarity with a view toward more historically engaged theorizing. During the globalist moment, feminist critical theory relied on the idea of “transversity” as a foundation for the theorizing solidarity because it created a bridge between dualities (local–global, rationalism–postmodernism). More recently, feminist critical theory has turned to intersectionality as a means to redress the dualities inherent in transversity. I argue that expressions of transversal solidarity tended to reify historical sedimentation of power, while intersectional theories of solidarity emphasize collective identities at the expense of transformative agendas. Drawing on the work of Mendieta, Kompridis, and Trouillot, I propose we understand gender solidarity in terms of developmental bodies that occupy time such that women can engage with GPS in proactive ways. This resituates communication’s role in solidarity building as a conversation with history rather than a dialogue between identities.

Author Biography

Katherine Reilly, Simon Fraser University

Assistant Professor






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