Mediatized Environmental Governance: The Normalization of Waste-classification Policy in China


  • Jia Dai Tsinghua University
  • Chenghao Ji Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics


mediatized environmental governance, social media, waste classification, normalization process, topic modeling


Under the urgency of garbage siege, China initiated a waste-classification policy advocacy that aims to reduce the harm of waste disposal recently. Yet to ensure an enforced implementation across the nation, the traditional command-and-control administrative pattern encounters problems. In this study, topic modeling and social network analysis of Weibo reveals a new pattern of environmental governance in which mediatization plays a central role. First, the communication among the mainstream, social media, public-opinion leaders, and average citizens disrupted and reversed the assumed sequence of the normalization process of policy, therefore overcoming the rigidity of the command-and-control model of governance. Second, mediatization helped to realize the translation from questioning, mocking to understanding of the policy, which smoothed the usually state-driven, hierarchical normalization process. The significance of mediatized governance is discussed.

Author Biographies

Jia Dai, Tsinghua University

Jia Dai(Ph.D. University of Texas at Austin)is an associate professor of communication at the School of Journalism and Communication, Tsinghua University. Her research interests include media sociology, new media and social transformation, and environmental communication.

Chenghao Ji, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics

Chenghao Ji(Ph.D. Tsinghua University)is an assistant professor of communication at the School of Humanity and Communication, Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics. His research interests include media sociology, new media and social transformation, and environmental communication.





