Unveiling Disinformation: Mapping Attacks on Brazil’s Electoral System and the Response of the Superior Electoral Court (2018–2023)


  • Regina Cazzamatta University of Erfurt
  • Augusto Santos University of Erfurt
  • Grazielle Albuquerque Federal University of Ceará (UFC)


disinformation, Brazilian elections, fact-checking, electoral court, institutionalization, political communication


Falsehoods targeting political parties and candidates have long been entrenched in Brazilian politics and monitored by the Superior Electoral Court (TSE). Since the rise of the far right in Brazil, the TSE has itself become a disinformation target. This study aims to unveil disinformation that has been directed at the Brazilian electoral system since 2018 and explore the court’s responses. First, we quantitatively analyzed 420 verification articles from the TSE’s Fato ou Boato website to identify the falsehoods’ origins, targets, narratives, and deceptive strategies. Second, we conducted expert interviews and qualitatively examined official documents to explore counteraction strategies, particularly collaborations with fact-checkers. The findings indicate that disinformation primarily revolves around the alleged vulnerability of the electronic voting system (25%) and supposed illegal actions that have been committed by the TSE (15%). Supreme Federal Court ministers, notably Luís Barroso and Alexandre de Moraes, have become frequent targets. Assaults on the TSE surged from 15% (2018) to 27% (2022). Strengthened collaboration with fact-checkers enhances their societal recognition and significance in the Brazilian public sphere.

Author Biographies

Regina Cazzamatta, University of Erfurt

Regina Cazzamatta is a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer in the Department of Media and Communication Studies at the University of Erfurt. Currently, she is leading a comparative research project as principal investigator on fact-checking praxis founded by the German Research Council (DFG), entitled “Disinformation Context and the Emergence of Fact-Checking Organisations in Europe and Latin America”. With a PhD in media and communication studies from the UE, she was also a visiting researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies in Hamburg. She graduated in Communication Studies in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and had a post-graduation in International Journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Sao Paolo.  Author of the books – ‘Brasilien-Berichterstattung in der deutschen Presse’ and ‘Lateinamerikaberichterstattung der deutschen Presse: Struktur und Entstehungsbedingungen’ – her research interests include comparative media systems, disinformation, fact-checking, journalism cultures, political communication, platformization and public spheres, media discourse, news value approaches and international news.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7162-3219 

Augusto Santos, University of Erfurt

Augusto Santos is a Ph.D. candidate in Communication and Media Studies at the University of Erfurt, Germany. He holds a master's degree in Communication and a bachelor's degree in Journalism from Sao Paulo State University, Brazil.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9574-3776

Grazielle Albuquerque, Federal University of Ceará (UFC)

Grazielle Albuquerque is a post-doctoral researcher at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. With a Ph.D. in Political Science from the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Campinas, SP, Brazil, she serves as a columnist for Le Monde Diplomatique. She coordinates the Research Center of the Public Defender's Office (Nuesp) in Fortaleza, CE, Brazil. Her most recent book, "Da Lei aos Desejos," discusses the strategic communication of the Brazilian Supreme Court. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8898-4571


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